Protected: Writing Process Journal 4 – Final Quarter of 2022


The Final Quarter(+) of 2022: Writing, Resting, and Big Author-preneur Moves

Hi there friends! I know, it’s been a minute since I released an exclusive Writing Process Journal. As I’m sure you know by now, I am often doing so many different things at the same time that these WPJs can get away from me.

However, I’m looking forward to my new approach that I told you I would be taking at the end of WPJ3. Starting with this entry, I will be sharing with you about the previous quarter as a whole. I will no longer focus on just one topic / stage of my writing process but share with you ALL of the different stages and processes going on at once during a particular 90-day timespan.

It’s my intention that by doing so, I will give you a more authentic depiction of what life is like as a self-publishing author and everything that goes into the business. I’ll be as forthcoming with you as can in order to demonstrate my strategies and how well (or not) I’m managing to juggle all the tasks.

However, this writing process journal is only available to my subscribers, so please be sure to input your subscriber code to read the rest. If you are not yet a subscriber, it’s really easy to get on my list and it's completely FREE. Just fill out the form linked below and get ready for awesomeness to arrive in your inbox! (I send out very few emails, by the way. More details are available upon click-through. Your password with be delivered via email.)

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