12 Key Research Topics For Self-Publishing Authors (Part II)

12 Key Research Topics For Self-Publishing Authors (Part II)

Dani J.  

Researching before publishing your first book is important, but where’s a newbie author to begin? If you’re uncertain, fear no more! This new indie author has compiled the top 12 topics of importance from her experience with tons of specific resources to get you started! (Part II)

What’s in a Name?

What’s in a Name?

Dani J.  

Choosing your “author name” can be a very big deal! For me, it brought up all the difficult “Who am I?” and “How do I want the world to know me?” questions. It is a special opportunity to define yourself and therefore I do not believe it is something that should be taken lightly. In this article I outline the five main factors I considered when choosing my author name, walking you through my own personal example.